All posts filed under: random

The Condescension of ‘Just Farming’

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It’s very likely that I’m not going to pass these exams. And I realize that I don’t really have any other skills. And at some point, in a point of melodrama, I was like, you know, if this doesn’t work out, I think I’ll just – maybe I’ll just farm. My mom said, “It is wrong to be so condescending to think that if you don’t have any skills, you can just farm. You know, […]

The Consulting Firm as a System

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This looks like a bowl of spaghetti, but it’s helpful for me to understand the consulting model as a system. When we ask, “How do we get more new clients?” it’s useful to know what influences that outcome. Obviously, all models are flawed, but this one is helpful to us. Can you draw your business model as a system?

Dog Bless You

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The Romans were a group of people who lived a long time ago and had a funny way of keeping count. They also had a penchant for crucifixion. Crucifixion was the best idea at the time for making people suffer and die. If you did it right, crucifixion could take four days to die from. Roman soldiers used to stab people who were already suffocating on the cross because it hurried things along. You see, […]

Anthony Bourdain Travels to the Unknown

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Anthony Bourdain purportedly died today. A suicide. He was a man of vices and demons, worn proudly and used (mostly) productively. I don’t believe there’s anything after death, but Bourdain took his last epic voyage into that unknown space today. If there is a place beyond, he’s soaking it in, listening to the locals, and following his stomach to its lesser trod corners. It’s quaint to call him an inspiration. He was a fantasy. At […]